Juliet Grayson - the Pesso Boyden System for Trauma

Juliet is a well-respected trainer, facilitator, executive mentor and coach in Pesso Boyden System Psychotherapy. This is a mind-body approach to emotional well-being and peak performance.

PBSP aims to help clients become aware of their own internal maps or blueprints for living. Often, these are formed in our early lives before we have any say in the matter. Strategies that may have helped us in the past can hinder us in the present day and affect our quality of life.

Pesso Boyden therapists like Juliet target these old emotional processes and patterns, and help people to mend their historical damage with an emotional solution.

In this podcast we talk about:

路     The origins of PBSP

路     How PBSP helps address attachment issues

路     The importance of controlling your own trauma treatment

路     How to insert corrective experiences into our own timelines

Contact Juliet here:


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