Working with Young People: A Chat with Fiona Yassin and Dr Gauri Seth
Lou speaks with Fiona Yassin and Dr Gauri Seth about working with young people in treatment, recovery, and therapy. These two experts on the psychology and care of young people who are undergoing traumatic periods offer insight into the importance of communication and compassion in treatment, as well as exploring different ways of addressing the particular issues that affect young people. This episode and every episode of the Trauma Thrivers Podcast are available through Lou’s website - - as well as anywhere you listen to your podcasts. For more Lou, follow Trauma Thrivers on Instagram, or join the Trauma Thrivers Facebook Group
disclaimer: Any information or advice Dr. Gauri Seth give is purely based on my her experience. Comments made are as a coach - this is not medical or psychiatry advice. There is no guarantee as there are many variables that will impact outcomes. Everything stated should be taken as opinion.