Redefine recovery by introducing trauma-informed care into your treatment facility


Gabor Mate 2012

Rather than choice, chance or genetic predetermination, it is childhood adversity that creates the susceptibility for addiction.


There is an understanding that trauma plays a role in mental and substance use disorders and should be systematically addressed in prevention, treatment, and recovery settings.

UK Government 2021

For many people, mental health problems and trauma lie at the heart of their drug and alcohol dependence

Leading figures in psychology have long acknowledged the connection between trauma, chronic stress, adverse childhood experiences, and various mental health issues.

Governments worldwide are increasingly recognising this link and advocating for "trauma-informed practice" in services. 

Trauma, as defined by SAMHSA, encompasses events or circumstances that cause lasting harm to an individual's well-being. 

Factors such as disrupted attachment and adverse childhood experiences contribute to trauma, often leading to harmful coping mechanisms like addiction and eating disorders. 

However, current treatment approaches tend to focus on symptoms rather than addressing the underlying causes, leaving individuals vulnerable to relapse and re-traumatisation.

This perpetuates a cycle of shame and undermines effective coping mechanisms.

The Voyage®

In an era where mental health and well-being have rightfully taken-centre stage, it’s critical for all treatment facilities to adopt a trauma-informed approach.

The Voyage® programme has been developed to help practices meet the growing demand from governments, agencies and other treatment facilities on a global scale, to address this disconnect in treatment approaches.  

The programme goes beyond merely ticking a professional obligation box; it embodies a deep-rooted commitment to healing, empathy, genuine human connection, and access to trauma resources.

As a result, The Voyage® enables treatment facilities to deliver the best level of care and treatment to their patients, regardless of the individual's background, socioeconomic status, or location. 


SAMHSA defines “Trauma-informed” as:

  • Realising the widespread impact of trauma and understanding potential paths for recovery

  • Recognising signs and symptoms of trauma in clients, families, staff, and others involved with the system

  • Responding by fully integrating knowledge about trauma into policies, procedures, and practices

  • Seeking to actively resist re-traumatisation.

Implementing The Voyage® in your treatment facility can clear the path to achieving the goals outlined above, enhancing the well-being of clients and improving outcomes, while also providing valuable support to your staff.

This Voyage® is a comprehensive programme that equips staff with the skills to effectively navigate trauma within treatment settings, fostering greater awareness and sensitivity.

By integrating this method, both staff and clients gain a deeper understanding of the root causes behind issues like addictions and eating disorders, grounded in the latest scientific research. 

With a holistic approach,This Voyage® guides the development of treatment pathways that address both psychological and physiological needs, paving the way for lasting recovery.

The Voyage® offers a complete framework in which to work with clients,setting it apart from other trauma-informed training. 

Offering a comprehensive approach, The Voyage® blends psycho-educational materials, experiential exercises, and workshops.

Initially focusing on stabilising and resourcing the client, it provides insight into the brain and nervous system's role in maladaptive coping mechanisms.

Through introducing models, skills, and tools, clients learn to engage with their nervous system in a "bottom-up" approach. 

This complements traditional "top-down" therapeutic methods, fostering healthy life skills, preventing relapse, and nurturing a fulfilling vision for the future.

Some of the theoretical frameworks and modalities woven into The Voyage® include:

  • Contemporary Psychotherapy
  • Polyvagal Theory
  • Internal Family Systems
  • Transactional Analysis
  • Hypnotherapy
  • Somatic Psychology
  • Breathwork, meditation, mindfulness and visualisation
  • Nutrition, gut health, sleep hygiene
  • Spirituality and the Soul

The Voyage® Framework

Lou came to Camino Recovery in sunny Spain to train our staff in trauma-informed care.
She takes some rather complex ideas and teachings and simplifies them into palatable notions that are easily actioned by well-trained staff as well as novices.
Her comfortable and confident approach makes her the ideal trainer for many groups. Rather than delivering a cookie-cutter-style training program, she readily adapts to the competence level of her audience and gives them the tools to execute their work with trauma clients in a seamless manner.
This training not only benefits the staff she educates but also, more importantly, serves the trauma clients with a consistency and safety they appreciate.
Camino will continue to use Lou Lebentz’s training, whether in person or digitally. We heartily recommend her services to any centre wanting the latest in competent trauma-informed care training.
Don and Meena Lavender
Camino Recovery

The benefits of applying The Voyage® model to addiction treatment include:

Understanding the role of coping mechanisms:

The Voyage® helps treatment providers and their clients understand that addiction often serves as a coping mechanism for individuals who have experienced trauma. By addressing the trauma and providing healthier coping strategies, addiction treatment can be more effective.

Comprehensive care: 

The Voyage® recognises that addressing addiction alone is insufficient. It acknowledges that the effects of trauma can extend into various aspects of an individual's life, including relationships, mental health, and self-esteem. Therefore, treatment should be holistic and address these broader concerns.

Reducing stigma: 

The Voyage® approach helps reduce the stigma associated with addiction and mental health issues. It shifts the perspective from viewing individuals as "bad" or "weak" for their addiction to understanding that they may be struggling with unresolved trauma and its consequences.

Improved outcomes:

Studies have shown that incorporating trauma-informed practices into addiction treatment can lead to better treatment outcomes, including reduced substance use, decreased rates of relapse, and improved overall well-being.

The Voyage® recognises that incorporating a trauma-informed approach into addiction treatment requires a shift in mindset and practice.

It helps training treatment providers to recognise the signs of trauma, create safe environments, and offer trauma-focused interventions when needed. 

By addressing the underlying trauma in addiction treatment, individuals have a better chance of achieving sustainable recovery and healing from both their addiction and the trauma that may have contributed to it.

The Voyage® training packages:

The Voyage® 3 day “lighter dive”

This training, delivered over 3 days either online or in-house, introduces the 12 Waves of The Voyage and provides a foundational level understanding of the approach and framework. 

Suitable for all team members, it is beneficial as an introduction for professionals who may go on to complete the full online training programme.


The Voyage® online training

A comprehensive 12-month online training course for professionals. Delivered via videos with a LIVE weekly practicum with Lou via Zoom. This includes access to 48 hours of video, workbooks, resources, homework, and  assessments, completion of this programme will enable practitioners to:

  • Identify the root cause of mental health issues, addiction and other behavioural or emotional symptoms.
  • Understand the stages of healing needed in every healing journey and how those concepts work particularly with trauma.
  • Empower clients with the knowledge and resources to understand themselves and overcome their trauma.
  • Have a map, a theory and a framework to help guide future client interventions.
  • See clients (themself, their family, society) through a non-judgemental “trauma-informed” lens.
  • Possess a set of tools and processes they can use to help those with trauma effectively, efficiently and ethically.
  • Understand their process far more deeply and become more effective co-regulators for other people's nervous systems. 
  • Have a modality that helps the coach or clinician to work alongside other Voyage trainees using one language whatever modality or method their original training might have been. 

The Voyage® Trainer

Lou Lebentz

Lou Lebentz is the lead trainer and presenter. Lou is a highly respected and well-known international trainer, psychotherapist, trauma clinician, inspirational speaker and Founder of The Voyage®.

Lou worked for over a decade in Rehab at the Priory Hospital in Roehampton, after coming into addiction and trauma recovery herself. Having worked in the trauma field for well over two decades now, Lou’s mission is to create a trauma-informed world. Starting by educating those within the field and already exposed to working with people with a trauma history.

Through her own extensive experience in both rehabs and private practice, Lou has now developed her own programme of trauma-informed training that will equip people with, not just the knowledge and a well-regulated nervous system, but also the practical skills needed to work with people in a fully trauma-informed way.

Janina Fisher 2000

"We must understand HOW the addictive substances have helped the trauma patient to survive: that is, which trauma symptoms have they been attempting to treat through their drinking and drugging?”

Public Health Network Cymru 2021

"Almost 50% of adults in England and Wales experienced one adverse childhood experience (ACE), with one in ten suffering four or more."

Gabor Mate 2012

"Childhood emotional loss and trauma, then, provide both the experiential, psycho-emotional and physiological template for addiction."


The transformational experience of The Voyage is like no other. It reaffirmed what I thought I knew and deepened my existing knowledge. On the Voyage, I was able to truly embody all that Lou's training has to offer, allowing me to be the best and most regulated version of myself for my clients and their families.

Natasha Silver Bell

Not only have I learned so much about myself, but I've also discovered how all the dots are connected to where I am now. From my experiences as a wounded adoptee to adulthood, I always viewed trauma as the cause of most 'problems' but could never articulate it. Viewing life in general from a trauma-informed lens is like seeing things and people for what they truly are. I am so grateful to be a 'trauma-informed nurse.' Now, I can actually see, help, and support my clients and bring back the 'kind' in humankind. Thank you, Lou, for giving me this key that can open so many doors for me.

My ego was immediately disarmed by Lou Lebentz's soft voice and pneumatic tone. She delved into the depths of my consciousness and suffering, then showed me that the only way out is through—all this without a word from me or any discussion of my personal trauma. She is truly gifted. I recommend her work as a necessary tool for anyone on a path of self-discovery. What resonated most with me was being given the opportunity to be trauma-informed from mind, body, and soul. Having this global perspective was illuminating. I am excited to apply all that I have learned.

Phoebe @ SBG

Big takeaway was that I left feeling nourished. Three days in close proximity with such good people. The Voyage knew exactly what it was. It was seamless to immerse in from the beginning, middle, and end. Lou’s vision is impressive. She is an incredible human being, and exposed herself in the most unbelievably vulnerable way. I learned a huge amount from her, specifically how to open up to my own opportunities of growth in that area of my past — the entire experience sharpened my instincts. The whole weekend was very healing, very transformative.

Sam Scott

Great visuals, I absolutely love the metaphors and how beautifully they are depicted. The ocean imagery is a balm to my heart. It was wonderful that the sessions could be interactive, allowing questions at any time. Your ability to see and listen to other people's opinions and points of view is so commendable.

I appreciated how quickly the concepts could be applied to my personal life, enabling me to grow compassionately, both personally and professionally. Your flexibility in all regards (smoke breaks, timing, etc.) was greatly appreciated.

The content resonated with the neurobiology aspect, which rekindled my fascination with biology and physiology. It was really easy to follow and just made so much sense!

Oasis Centre Employee

Overall, I feel that it was life-changing because it was so relatable to me. I really appreciate having a new perspective to use while working with my clients. If I can relate so much, then I can relate to them better, which almost automatically ensures that the way I serve them will be changed for the better.

Alicia - Oasis Centre

The Voyage is a methodology I will make my own in the work I do.

Well researched. Relatable. Universal. Powerful.


Lou is changing the world & I’m forever grateful that she touched my spirit so I can touch others.

Mandy - Oasis Centre

The Voyage provides a framework and language that holds the client in a shame-reducing, unconditional space. The metaphor is beautiful and accessible, making it easy to understand. The structure of the treatment is safe, supportive, and responsible. This method fills many gaps in current approaches, but my absolute favorite thing about it is the focus on agency and empowerment.

Oasis Centre Employee

The journey of healing is presented in a way which all clinicians working within the field of mental health can benefit from.
From the beginning to the end of The Voyage training, starting from a place of understanding of trauma, of how the body, mind and soul are affected and connected in each persons own story of growth and learning.
Stagnation being key, trapped in silence and fear, of the unknown ability to heal.
To walk through your clients pain, side by side, without judgement but only acceptance and compassion, whilst gently directing them towards healing and no longer being defined by what happened to them.
Lou’s work is astounding, and each person from our team was able to take so much more into our work with our clients, from different professions and backgrounds.
The presentation was clear, precise, detailed and at the same time, the way in which Lou sits at the table side by side as you enter a new chapter of trauma and addiction and healing, makes it all so much more. Discovering together the whole
Of humanity. The pain, the joy, the suffering, the love.
Lou models her own learning and her own experiences and her own development of this beautiful way of understanding and working together with your client in their self discovery, development and access to a life expanded beyond what one could imagine.
- Kathryn at Oasis, South Africa

Companies Lou Has Trained

Don't delay - bring your service up to date today 

Your clients and your team will reap the benefits of a trauma-informed approach which The Voyage® elegantly enables