Free LIVE webinar:

What does being trauma-informed mean and why is it so important?

Friday, September 29th, 3:30 PM (BST)

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Make a lasting impact on your clients’ healing journey

Are you ready to revolutionise your approach to coaching and counselling? Join us for a dynamic, live webinar that dives deep into the heart of trauma-informed care. 

Discover how this knowledge can drive transformation in your work, guiding you towards becoming a powerful force for significant healing.

Level Up Your Practice, Empower Lives:

As a dedicated coach or counsellor, you're driven to make a difference. 

This webinar is your gateway to:

Elevate your ability to support clients like never before, by gaining insights into what trauma-informed practice actually means

Deepen your understanding of psychological safety, expanding your toolkit for more responsible interventions

Embark on a journey of self discovery, unearthing the priority of your own wellbeing as a coach, counsellor or mental health practitioner


This webinar will help you to:

Enhance your interactions: Infuse the power of trauma-informed care into every interaction, elevating your impact. 

Change the world and your life: Understand why being trauma-informed is the foundation to this and how you can implement it 

Forge deeper connections: Cultivate a transformative and compassionate approach towards yourself and others 

Equip yourself: Arm yourself with resources and knowledge of the 4 principles and 6 pillars of trauma-informed care

Trauma-Informed Care: A Transformative Approach:

In a world where relationships and connections lie at the heart of healing, trauma-informed care is pivotal. This webinar is not just about concepts; it’s about a profound shift in your practice and perspective.

Dufflyn Lammers

Dufflyn Lammers is a speaker, writer, and Relationship & Recovery Coach.

I’m so grateful for the way that Lou and Mel not only provided education and insight and specific tools for me to take home but they also walked their talk. So the way that they run their own workshop taught me a lot as well. 

Thank you so much Lou and Mel. I highly recommend this workshop for anybody who is working with a population who might be struggling with trauma.

Secure Your Spot:

Don't miss this exclusive opportunity to transform your practice, enrich lives, and emerge as a guiding light of healing and growth. Secure your spot now and embark on a journey towards empathy, understanding, and transformative change.

Webinar: What Does Being Trauma-Informed Mean and Why Is It So Important?

Date: Friday, September 29th, 3:30 PM (BST)

Elevate your practice. Transform lives. Step into the world of trauma-informed care

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